Insurance agreement
Can the Massive Increase of Insurance Premiums for Private Room Supplementary Insurance be a Ground for Contract Invalidation?
A policyholder suffering from leukemia has benefited from supplementary private room insurance for years. During the coverage period, the insurance company has increased the insurance premium by a staggering amount. The policyholder unsuccessfully tried to invalidate the contract to obtain a partial refund of the premiums paid.
General Terms and Conditions, Insurance agreement
Measures Taken in Relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic Ruled as One Event for Insurance Purposes
Through the application of an interpretation based on the principle of trust, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court clarified that all measures adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic formed a single insured event under an “All Risks Business Insurance” policy.
Insurance agreement
Cyberinsurance Coverage for Ransomware Payments vs US Sanctions Regulations
An insurance company did not have the right to refuse to pay its insured client, a victim of a cyberattack who had made a ransomware payment, even if it claimed that its obligation to reimburse the ransomware payment would expose it to US sanctions.