Boris Catzeflis

Dr. Boris Catzeflis is a Swiss qualified attorney-at-law specializing in technology, IP, telecommunications and corporate/M&A.

Dr. Boris Catzeflis holds a law degree and a PhD in IP law from the University of Geneva. He regularly advises Swiss and international clients active in particular in the life sciences, ICT and space industries on technology and IP transactions, private equity and venture capital deals, telecommunications laws, data protection, corporate governance, M&A, and business matters and disputes, with a particular focus on drafting, reviewing and negotiating technology and commercial contracts.

To Whom Belong the Copyrights on a Software Developed by a University Researcher?

Based on the applicable university regulations, the copyrights on the software developed by a PhD candidate who was working as a researcher/employee at a Swiss public university (the University of Lausanne) within the framework of her employment agreement were found to be owned by the University.